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Rassinier Eichman lonewolf true history germany third reich national socialism socialist truth Tom Metzger WAR The Insurgent radio
2014-05-01 22:59:35 GMT

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The real bastard Eichmann was treated better than he deserved, pity Mengele and so many others escaped justice, Rassinier was part of the neo-nazi conspiracy to whitewash nazism, the so-called revisionism that now is dead buried by its lies and distortions of history.

@everyone concerned with revisionism

If you have no problem dragging 95 year old men into phony courts for imaginary "Crimes" How about we haul in the Jewish Preditory Capitalists who made Billions funding both sides of the war, they are far more responsible for the millions of White people killed on both sides, American, British, Russian, and German Soldiers and citizenry. All we hear is the Jewish sob story, ever hear of the 100 million that were slaughtered by Jewish Communists in The Soviet Union and China, Yes the Jewish Communists were behind the Chinese Revolution and Mass Slaughter, I guess you don't learn those things in ZOG's school or Universities. When the Articles of the learned Elders of Zion Talks about defeating "Goy" Nations through their Education system and textbooks, most Soviet Defectors first came to our Universities, and Now Work in our Government...
You know The Protocols of the Elders of Zion are fictitious? Made up to create hatred towards the Jews in the late 1800's. Something else I guess you didn't learn in ZOG schooling.

I absolutely enjoy reading revisionist history. It's like modern fairy tales with historical figures.

yeshua82, dragging 95 year old men in court to hold them accountable for actions done 70 years ago shows the world that the Allies, YES even fucking Russia, still care that Nazis need to be brought to trial. Even Putin will not tolerate Nazi propaganda like the crap going on in Ukraine. Neither will Europe or the USA.

We might have a difference with Russia about Eastern Europe, but WE have no difference of opinion about the Nazi SOB's.

The Neo-nazi punks should keep that in mind.

Jewish communists leaders of the USSR? What a joke, Trotsky, a jew, was KILLED by them, was Stalin a jew? You're so FULL of shit you don't know the time of day....

Simply I believe post 1938 National Socialist Germany ceased to exsist and became Social-Capitalist War industry bought off and funded by Super rich funding both sides, if anyone needs to be held accountable from WW2 Germany, it should be the German Capitalist elite, but that will never happen, it will always lead to you know what Rat in the wood pile.. Those neo nazis in Ukraine, just CIA and EU provaketours shooting protesters on both sides to inflate situation, mostly bikers and other lowlifes sent over for a pay check, CNN, SKY, BBC, and FOX wont tell you that...
@sakstroy Marx was a Jew, most Gulag workers=Jews

So what? Lenin was no jew neither Stalin, jews were persecuted in communist Russia, si Hitler was LYING when he said that bolshevik Russia was led by jews. And Hitler used the big capitalists for his dream of war, not the other way round.

not saying I am a fan of the war machine, the invasion of other nations was Hitlers downfall, so was going from National Socialism to Facism I hate Facism and Communism, btw Bush was a facist like war criminal Obama is a war criminal too put them and past several other U.S presidents on trial for crimes against humanity. I am not a Hitler groupy, he had tons of faults, it was his madness and poor judgement that cost him dearly, if he had minded his own bussiness and stayed in Germany's isolationism, he would of ruled to his old age, but greed and power got the best of adolf, tell you the truth I dont even have much respect for him, just love the idea of Germany and post depression to 1938 National Socialism, the Facism is bad news like Comunism, no difference. But progressive liberalism and Communism are mental illnesses, sickness of the mind, but nothing wrong with regulare left wing liberalism, I kinda see myself controversial, a minority within my fringe. :) Fuck the regular left fuck the regular right wing, especialy religous nutters of all types :)

Much as I despise psycho murderer Hitler I must admit that after seeing his watercolors, much put down by many, they don't look all that bad... But in our modern prisons many murderers in death row also do surprising art, it doesn't erase the evil they did.

If there had been no war, the Army would have deposed Hitler at the first excuse, they couldn't after his initial victories and then it was too late. All this is proved by documents, if the west had stood up to Hitler in 1938, goodbye corporal Chaplin mustache...

Maybe your right, the white race would of been better off without hitler, if an accident had been successfully arranged, like the attempts by his own command, they would of had key victories in russia, and may of scored that German-American allience against communist Russia that documents are now surfacing, think about it, no scum bag progressives, no right wing fundies, maybey the united states would have common sence liberals like me, not the Politically Correct ones we see today. shame, I cant be a stand out in my own minority without some progressive crybaby calling me on it, we all are stand outs in our groups in some way, thats what gives this world some culture, I see you have leanings I disagree, but we may have a common enemy, eh, lets quit bikering, find common ground, we both hate the bastards who drove the global markets insane at the banks, got bail outs, then got raises, while we barley made it since late 2008, think of that I see your leftest, me too, I support occupy wallstreet, but they should of got as big time grass roots as american tea party, lol, now John Boener has to go ask the ex mental patient on the capital steps dressed as Ben Franklin permission to do anything, lol, we leftists should of got so big when Obama told congress "I would like to extend Bush era tax cuts for top 1 percent, but I got these crazy left wingers to deal with" lol we both must agree the top 1 percent must pay up no more corperate bailouts, and America pulls out all forien bases and returns home, you agree with me on that.

Let's say you seem a bit extreme in many things. You shouldn't blame the jews for all bad things, I assure you there are many more non-jews among the bastards on top than jews,
Israel is doing bad things but not all jews agree with that, the multinationals rule the world and that's very bad, but if you love the US, pulling out from the world (bases, etc.) would encourage its many enemies who hate it not only for economic reasons but because the US defends personal freedom, which they hate. So the world is a much more complex thing than you seem to imagine and there are no easy solutions for us whites and for everybody else.

@sakstroyat least we found some common ground, I like finding common ground with those who first disagree with my opinions. We are both left wing it seems that's a start. :)

Left only to a point, most left wingers would want the US to pull out from everywhere, also deprive all capitalists of their property, they hate Bush, whom I respect for leading America in difficult times (9/11) and making towel head bastards pay for what they did. We should perhaps try to be balanced in our opinions and not being carried away by unfair slogans and oversimplifications.

glad we could come to some agreement, I belive towelheads follow a barbaric religion, the bible is just as barbaric and the Jewish old testiment and spoken word known as The Talmud is just as barbaric. All religion is the downfall of mankind, maybe we will wake up in an apocalyptic nuclear wasteland brought on by the three Abrahamic faiths. btw my name yeshua82 is supposed to be a moking of the Sun Astrology myth of Jesus, you will see in time. :)

Believe it or not, I sort of sympathize with the more reasonable doomsday preppers because I think mankind is heading for some disaster or other, but not as lone warriors but rather networks of like-minded survivors who will take care of one another as a block whenever needed, because loners and their families will be just sitting ducks. I confess I have weapons, ammo and have some food and water supplies, but nothing too elaborate yet. I just wait and see.

been into doomsday stuff myself since my youth, back in 1995 I was describing the world like we live in today to my peers for our future, they said not in our life time, I remember just breezing through the airport to my flights in the early 90's, coming home, and warning of an orwellian future i read about in books, now I believe by the time our nieces, nephews, and kids start families even the super markets in America will be pepaid with checkpoints by heavily armed guards, there will be mininum cash only amount to enter. I dont think the globalists want america to fall, that talk of a fall is false info to decieve and keep populace on edge, they need a population of slave sheep unlike europe or other nations except UK, most americans will be happy serfs as long as Mcdonalds is in every town to spoil them with monsonto tainted big macs to keep them docile and slowly serlize and feminize future male generations with GMO's and vacines, and oh yes America is being prepped for future mass murder of disidents in stadiums, see how violent men get at sports arenas, its not a mistaske, its testing and planning ground to bring back Romes stadiums, technicly I am not a fundy and see gays or rise of adultry as sign of america falling like rome, its us fucking with human genetics, making psychos out of our populas, spoiled wasteful populas, remember rome and the vomitoriums, and an empire we cant support, if we fall that will be it, the stuff that makes a modern right wing christian jump for joy, not nessesary the stuff they protest, most of them are hypocrytes anyway, why bother with the corrupt bastards, saving your own kind is natures law it works with the animal kingdom, why should we feed africa, its like wolves feeding monkeys.
I see one of your torrents is against homophobia, I am too against that, it coinsides with religous superstition, homosexuality has always been in nature, thing about being a lone wolf I can have some agree ment with nazis, or neonazis, but the punks who spraypaint synagogs and torment those weaker than them are not men in my view, to be honest most neonazis practice too much hollywood nonscence and are vicous criminals, they are not sleek and academians like a true honorable man.